Collection: Yorkshire 25 inch to the mile OS maps
A unique collection of large-scale (1:2500) Ordnance Survey maps, where 25 inches on the map represents 1 mile on the ground.
1:2500 scale maps show individual houses, gardens, roads, lanes, footpaths, farms, post offices, libraries, railways and stations, parks, recreation grounds, football and cricket grounds, reservoirs, viaducts, aqueducts, wells, springs, etc.
Many, but not all, places and buildings are named. Fields are marked with the parish plot number and the area in acres. All boundaries, from parish upwards, are marked.
This collection of unique maps originally belonged to Smith, Gotthardt & Co. of Bradford, Land Agents & Surveyors. The majority have fascinating hand-written additions referring to works and surveys carried out by the company approx. 1893 to 1920's.